C CK7 Reputable Aug 16, 2014 107 0 4,690 Apr 22, 2015 #1 Does such a monitor as mentioned in the title exist? Are there any on the horizon?
H holyrage Distinguished Nov 2, 2011 1,410 0 19,660 Apr 22, 2015 #2 yah the new acer predetor thingy dingy lemme get a link ill edit my post if you're rich here is a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009742&cm_re=acer_144hz_1440P-_-24-009-742-_-Product 27 INCH IPS 144HZ 4ms delay G-sync monitor damn that was long i would buy this instead of the ROG any day of the week Upvote 0 Downvote
yah the new acer predetor thingy dingy lemme get a link ill edit my post if you're rich here is a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009742&cm_re=acer_144hz_1440P-_-24-009-742-_-Product 27 INCH IPS 144HZ 4ms delay G-sync monitor damn that was long i would buy this instead of the ROG any day of the week
Vosgy Honorable Nov 24, 2014 715 1 11,360 Apr 22, 2015 #3 He said sub 27" ie. smaller than. And no I don't think there are any smaller than 27", there is that new 24" benQ one that just got reviewed but it is 1080P. Upvote 0 Downvote
He said sub 27" ie. smaller than. And no I don't think there are any smaller than 27", there is that new 24" benQ one that just got reviewed but it is 1080P.