Sub $300 Desktop for Home Surveillance?


May 9, 2012
Hey, TH!
I'm needing to build an inexpensive desktop for home surveillance for my grandfather. This tower will receive streamed audio/video from the Dropcam HD and broadcast it over the internet. That is the only function of the computer so I need something very minimal. I think a compact micro ATX build would be ideal for this. I really just need to know if any hardware is going to play an important role in streaming the video. Do I need to emphasize on a certain component of the hardware (such as RAM or CPU)?

Just need some insight. I'd like to keep this build sub $300.

Thanks again!
A standalone DVR + camera setup can be had for that, including a monitor.
Lorex, Zmodo, Swann...all carry multi camera setups that will do exactly that. I got a 4 camera Lorex system on sale a couple of years ago for $150 or so. The camera picture isn't the greatest, but it wouldn't be great with webcams, either.
A standalone DVR + camera setup can be had for that, including a monitor.
Lorex, Zmodo, Swann...all carry multi camera setups that will do exactly that. I got a 4 camera Lorex system on sale a couple of years ago for $150 or so. The camera picture isn't the greatest, but it wouldn't be great with webcams, either.

Definitely. Port forwarding through the router, and you can watch from anywhere. IR, motion detection, recording many, many hours (depending on HD size).
Went on vacation 2 yrs ago, and was able to call my daughter (from 1,000 miles away) and ask her why she hadn't fed the cat yet.