I have a request for toms, to test the performance of this drive on a USB3 and USB2 port!
In the past I've seen an interesting article of some tests done with Esata/USB2 flash drives.
These drives are excellent for running XP, or a Ubuntu operating system on (with some tweaks).
I'm planning on upgrading my Ubuntu to a larger in size version, and install more apps, but need a good drive for that.
I'm planning on setting up a low power, cheap HDTV station, as well as a file/print server and hardware router without the noise of HDD's or fans.
Currently a modded EeeBox with SSD would be best, but I'm looking into alternatives that run from a USB stick, as SSD's are faster but also more expensive.
A few articles on the power requirement specs, speed specs, iops on usb3 and usb2 ports I'd really want to see!
So pls, if anyone of toms reads this post and is willing to test this drive versus some of the esata usb sticks out there and write an article of some benches I'd really appreciate!