Sudden drop of all display signals (VGA, DVI & HDMI) and occasionally see bios. All outs & screens in sleep mode. Help


Dec 16, 2015
Hi all, am at wits end and could really really use your help!

I've searched but found no solutions that work or are specific to the probs I'm having

Was playing some dodgy h game and all of à sudden screen goes into sleep mode. Thought it was the HDTV as it began reacting very slowly to the remote control. Eventually figured out it was my PC as i tried all outs (DVI, HDMI, VGA) with 3 different screens and the same result. Also changed the cables.

The strangest thing is the VGA out to a monitor showed the bios and asked me if it wanted to launch start up repair. I tried to but it couldn't find the boot device even though bios said all sata drives connected and boot sequence was correct.

Restarted windows , chose to load normally. Even logged in to Windows for a second before screen sleeps.

Now that screen does the same as the others as well ! I am pulling my hair out!

I have Tried clearing CMOS, removing the battery, changing power cord, holding down power button for a minute with nothing plugged in, grounding the case, all possible screen and output mix,

Thanks in advance for your help, i really really need it.

GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket FM2+ - GA-F2A78M-HD2 (rev. 3.1.)
With HD 8750 Apu 3.9ghz
HDMI to HDTV, DVI to a different HDTV, VGA to an Acer monitor.

Thanks, jim
I think you know what happened.

Was playing some dodgy h game

I am pretty much addicted to anime movies. I have a little over 1,00 movies and short series. 200+ episodes just gets bland for me. A cartoon can make an adult cry like a baybay? Grave of the Fireflies is a movie I have watched once. Why oh why would I want to put myself through that again?

I might be well off base but because of my love of anime movies I am also aware of H which I believe is followed by an E and then an N. Certainly not my cup of tea. Oh dear god. Anyways....

You used the word dodgy. I can only assume your PC is infected. A clean install may be your best bet.

The only thing changed recently was installing app locale , i run scans every day and use a lot of adware, antivirus, anti ransom stuff. I,m normally quite technically minded but this has me stumped. Malware is unlikely, but i still wouldn't know how to proceed if it was

How many hard drives do you have? Anything of critical importance on your boot drive?

Download tool Install to USB drive. Enter BIOS. Change boot drive to USB. Follow prompts.

Another option is safe mode. That's not an Asus exclusive. From there you might visit msconfig or tools/start-up within Ccleaner to see if you can find out what the issue is.

You might be able to repair or upgrade your PC using that media creation tool. Simplest fix is a clean install.

Thanks for the suggestion, alas the problem is it cannot see the bios otherwise i could attempt your solution :-(
Currently running 3 sata drives Achi , 1tb, 500g, 1ssd 128g,

I'm currently examining it to see if any parts are touching each other or if l the mobo is touching the case and causing a short as i cant think of anything else to try

I can buy another board but i have never reseated a c/Apu before ,

any other suggestions? I think the fact that the problem occurred without any soft or hardware changes or intervention from me should help figure out the problem but i cannot think what it could be

I know it's a wall of txt buddy but i stated that the bios no longer showed, and that I've tried every cable / combination

Grounded the case just in case (no pun intended) it was a prob with PSU o or the power cord, or the case touching the mobo but I'm not Pretending I'm an electrician or anything lol