Sudden Frame Drops Out Of Nowhere


May 22, 2017
I have just installed a fresh version of Windows 7 about 2 weeks ago,along with all of the necessary drivers and programs.

Since yesterday,there have been sudden frame drops in all of the games i play(CS:GO,LoL,Hearthstone and Terraria). I am not talking about frame drops from 100 to 70 or 60,i am talking about drops from 100 to 20 or even 4 at some times...(taking 100 as a reference point since the max fps you can get in terraria as far as i know is 60).

I have tried reinstalling the video drivers(for a 820M video card),but that didn't showed any results.

Those are my specs:
(a x550LD ASUS Notebook with the latest version of windows 7)
CPU:Intel Core i5-4210U @ 1.70Ghz(it says that it can go up to 2.7 Ghz but i don't know how to do that)
Memory:3532MBytes DDR3
Graphics:Nvidia GeForce 820M(2GB DDR3)

I really don't know what i am doing wrong.It doesn't matter how low the video settings are,the frames would stay in the range of 20-10 during a drop.

Btw:usually,LoL ran at about 150 frames before the drops,CS:GO at 120 frames and terraria at an all time 60 without any drops.
ASUS x550LD. x55 0LD. Ah think Ah've found yer prahblem. :lol:

Anyways. It says it'll go up to 2.7GHz, that probably means it'll automatically boost itself up if it thinks it's necessary. Have you ever opened the laptop up and cleaned out the dust?
ASUS x550LD. x55 0LD. Ah think Ah've found yer prahblem. :lol:

Anyways. It says it'll go up to 2.7GHz, that probably means it'll automatically boost itself up if it thinks it's necessary. Have you ever opened the laptop up and cleaned out the dust?

You were right,i just opened my laptop with a screwdriver and a credit card and now even the whole laptop is quieter.Thank you very much,i didn't even taught about this because i don't like putting my hands into hardware 😀.