Sudden permanent ping rise in a certain game!

Apr 11, 2018
As a gamer, a good internet with a low ping is really essential and necessary to me.
There is a certain game that I play though in which I get a medium to high ping. In this game a few months ago I used to have a low ping of 60ms (The game is located in Sweden) since I'm not too far from Sweden I'm supposed to have 60ms but after a few months something occured. My ping went up to 110+ permanently, it just never stopped. The servers did not change location, my internet didn't change in any way. Asking the support what should I do about this ping and why did it happen, a GM sent me the following message:"It seems like your internet connection can't handle a frequent stream of data being sent and received." I have no idea what this means , but here are the things that I already tried:
1.Switched from WIFI to wired Ethernet. 2. Different types of ping boosters which had a bizarre result : I entered the game and had 70 ms , but for some reason it went back to 110.
3.Defragmenting my disk. 5.Scanned for viruses - none 4.Deleting 70% of my Disk C:.
5.Tested streams on twitch and they work perfectly fine. 6. Disabled antivirus, windows update and ran a registry and file cleaning on Ccleaner - no change.
It just feels like I've tried everything, I pinged their main website which is also located at sweden and I'm getting 85ms (which is really good in my opinion) no packet loss. Is it my router? If so, how can I make sure it is?(don't want to waste money just to get disappointed). It can't be the network card because I've tested on a different PC, the ping was the same. Also, I have a friend that plays from my city, and he gets 60-70ms just like I did. My internet connection is a 100mbps connection.
Run tracert to the same servers from your house and your friends house and try to see where there is a difference.

In general there is not a lot you can do to fix this..unless it happens to be in the first your house.

The routing between ISP may have changed to a different path. You would have to have had a tracert from before to confirm this. Still its not like the ISP will change the routing just because you ask. They generally have reasons traffic runs on particular paths.
Apr 11, 2018

Here are the Tracert results
It does little good unless you have something to compare it to. No way to know if there really is a problem or not.

You can see the points it increases in the trace. These increases can be normal if this represents long distance connections.

You can sometime guess the cities it is passing through but this appears to be going from italy to france.

Still you can do very little about most this. The connections in the first couple of hops represent your ISP. That is the company you pay money to so they would fix issues in their network if you complained....well maybe. The connection farther out are in other ISP networks and between ISP.

Its not like you can even ask other ISP to use different connection between them.

You only option if this is the issue is to get a different isp that has a different path to the server. Most people this not a option. You could also look into a VPN service. Your hope is that you can get low latency connection to the VPN service but they use different ISP for their connection. In many cases using a vpn will actually increase your time because the signal many times has to go farther and because of the overhead. You will likely need to try a number of them and hope to get lucky.

Your issue is why many game companies have servers located all over the world. The server that is physically the closest should in theory be the fastest but that is not always the case. Unless the internet was run by 1 large company this type of problem will always exist because all ISP do not actually connect to all other ISP directly.
Apr 11, 2018

I recall WTFast used to work for me and it apparently is a VPN, i'll try what you tell me to for now this seems like a possible solution.

EDIT: Tested a bunch of VPNs, no change in the ping.