For about a week now, I've suddenly experienced massive slowdown with download speeds: typically, when I'm downloading something it will slow down to 100 KB/s, then slower, then drop altogether. It will periodically pop back up to a few hundred kilobytes per second for a few seconds, then drop again. If I leave for a few hours something small can be downloaded.
My internet connection is fairly fast, typically 250 MB/s download, 10MB/s upload. No other part of my internet usage seems affected, just the downloading. I've turned off my firewall and virus protection when downloading, it hasn't made a difference. I've run virus scans and nothing has been found. I got a new modem a few weeks ago, but this only started happening a week ago (and again, only downloads are affected).
Can anyone advise me what I should try to address the issue? I'm on Windows 10, an MSI Laptop, Wireless connection.
Here's some information about my laptop (not sure what's needed, let me know if more information required):
Laptop Make and Model - MSI GL63 8RC
CPU - Intel Core i5 8300H @ 2.30GHz
Motherboard - Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. MS-16P6 (U3E1)
Memory / RAM - 8.00GB Single-Channel Unknown @ 1330MHz (19-19-19-43)
iGPU/Discrete GPU - Intel UHD Graphics 630/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Hard Drive - 931GB Seagate ST1000LM049-2GH172 (SATA (SSD))
Optical Drive - None
Operating System (OS) - Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Monitor - Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080@60Hz)
My internet connection is fairly fast, typically 250 MB/s download, 10MB/s upload. No other part of my internet usage seems affected, just the downloading. I've turned off my firewall and virus protection when downloading, it hasn't made a difference. I've run virus scans and nothing has been found. I got a new modem a few weeks ago, but this only started happening a week ago (and again, only downloads are affected).
Can anyone advise me what I should try to address the issue? I'm on Windows 10, an MSI Laptop, Wireless connection.
Here's some information about my laptop (not sure what's needed, let me know if more information required):
Laptop Make and Model - MSI GL63 8RC
CPU - Intel Core i5 8300H @ 2.30GHz
Motherboard - Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. MS-16P6 (U3E1)
Memory / RAM - 8.00GB Single-Channel Unknown @ 1330MHz (19-19-19-43)
iGPU/Discrete GPU - Intel UHD Graphics 630/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Hard Drive - 931GB Seagate ST1000LM049-2GH172 (SATA (SSD))
Optical Drive - None
Operating System (OS) - Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Monitor - Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080@60Hz)