Suddenly VERY slow upload speed!


Dec 11, 2013
I got a NETGEAR WGR614v10 router and I am using a NETGEAR WNR2000 networking bridge. I am paying for 25/15 download/upload speed, but atm I am only getting 1 mbit in upload, but I am getting normal in download. HELP PLS!
Ok so here is the deal 15 Mbit up load only equates to 1.875MB sec so while there is noticeable difference. that difference is based on perfect provisions now if you were hooked up to an eithernet cable and tried it that way you would get better speeds also any other devices on your wifi net work will also effect this. more devices more channel interference.
25Mbit connection max down load speed would be 3.125MB sec with a 15 Mbit second upload you should be getting a max of 1.875MB sec but say you live in an apartment complex or in a area where there are multiple houses with wifi networks around you each of those networks are all broadcasting on a particular channel usually between 1 and 11 what happens is because those modems all operate on the same frequency they tend to overlap or interfere with transmission signals to and from the router. say your modem is set to channel 11 and one of your neighbors is also on 11 your going to have issues because your router has to sort those signals out lowering speeds.
First test is to plug into the main router with a wired connection and test.

If you are using that second netgear as a repeater then that is likely your problem. You should NEVER use a repeater unless you have no other option. Just because of how they work you take a massive hit in the speed the device can deliver and if you have a lot of wireless interference you can get even more loss.

Now if your speeds are slow when you plug directly into the router then your ISP likely has a issue with the connection.