Suggest A Good PSU.

Akash Sanil

Mar 17, 2014

My System Specs Are

Amd Fx 8 core (8320) 3.5 Ghz
Asus M5A78L-M USB3
4GB Corsair XMS3
Asus EAH5570 Silent 1GB Graphic Card
160GB HDD (Planing to buy 1TB soon)

Which Psu should I buy. I was thinking of buying Corsair Cx 500 watt. Would this be good for my system, because I am planing to buy a Sapphire AMD/ATI FirePro V4800 1 GB GDDR5 in a month or two.
Or would Corsair Vs 550 watt be more than enough for my current system (and also when I add Sapphire AMD/ATI FirePro V4800 1 GB GDDR5 to my system).
You want to just be sure and run between 20% and 80% of your PSU's max.
Amd Fx 8 core (8320): 125w
Asus EAH5570: 75w
Guessing about 100w for everything else.

That's 300w if you're at max load, which won't happen normally. You'll probably run about 150w normally. That's 30% of a 500w power supply, but no more than 60%. If you went with a 400w, running 150w-300w would be between 37.5% and 75%. That's probably a better place to be in terms of efficiency. But if you want to reuse this new power supply on a high-end build in the future, you should probably get a big one. It depends on your future plans.

Eggz are you saying that it would be a better if I go with cx 500w, because i am planing to get Sapphire AMD/ATI FirePro V4800 1 GB GDDR5 in a month or two. Cx 500w would support this Graphic card too right.
The TDP of that card isn't listed on the website or on NewEgg, but I'd guess it has a similar TDP to the card you have. If you are going to add it into the system you have (i.e. keep both cards), then the 500w will be better, but you would get a little bit better power efficiency with a 400w. Just keep in mind the rule of thumb about 20%-80% is the best for efficiency, and 50% is where you'd like to be most of the time you use your computer. Just get a major brand to make sure the power is reliable. Seasonic is great, and Corsiar re-brands other companies, but they are always reliable.
Where do you live?
Those power supplies are popular in India due to their low fairly cost and I'd go for the CX series over the lower quality VS units but I'd suggest you look for something from Seasonic or one of the higher quality Corsair units because I think you are going to use this system for either University or work, so reliability and quality would, in my opinion, be more important that low cost.