Suggested upgrades for Battlefront 2


Oct 3, 2016
Hi, I am looking for any suggestions on upgrades in anticipation for Battlefront 2. I am not looking to be able to play it in 4K Ultra settings but to play with a good frame rate and graphics settings.

My system is...

Intel core i5-4590 3.30ghz
Ram 16gb
Motherboard MSI Z97-G43
MSI Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
2tb western digital hard drive (black)

Battlefield 1 runs surprisingly well on high settings with only a few occasions where it looses frame rate. I think changing up the processor and graphics card will have the biggest effect here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

for an upgrade path:
CPU can go up to i7 4770k which is still pretty tough these days
that CPU can handle up to 1080ti with proper Overclocking

i recommend the 1070 though, u can play those games on 1080p @ ultra with that GPU
wanted to recommend the 1060, but since the mid-end card are having a big price increase because of the mining craze... (such as RX 580, RX 570, GTX 1060, actually all GPU are affected, but the mid-end card are having it worst) i can't recommend them, not at that price tag...

The 1060 is at £197 on amazon right now. This is probably more realistic to my budget, especially if I am upgrading processor at the same time. Even though the 1070 probably makes more sense for the long term, its quite expensive.


personally, i don't really like 1060 3 GB, they perform 2 times better than 1050ti but had less VRAM....
but because of the situation.... GRAB IT FAST!!!
u don't have to upgrade the CPU now really, that i5 is still pretty capable (and shouldn't bottleneck the 1060 unless it's a CPU intensive game)... although if u decided on getting the 1070 instead, u might want to consider upgrading it after the GPU upgrade

The 1060 will still be a considerable upgrade from my current GPU and as its reduced price then it works for me. As I say I'm not looking for top range on everything. Just something to take me the the next level and help me enjoy new games! Plus you mention I wouldn't have to upgrade my CPU straight away. So win win

hope u'll enjoy the gaming performance :)

Thanks for taking the time to help! and I'm sure I will! :)