Suggesting a New Forum Category

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Deleted member 2183922

How about you create a new forum category where users can rate the forum moderators? Maybe for criteria such as rudeness, crudeness, ability to provide useful assistance when a post ends up in the wrong forum? To be honest, sometimes when sites appoint forum moderators, it appears those moderators think they are gods. Worse yet, some have the communication skills of a rejected child; just saying. Personally, I don't need it. In 30+ years of being in the biz, and owning 3 IT companies, I find the abuse from some moderators I am seeing to be unnecessary, and a negative for the site overall. Time to start moderating the moderators. I'll post elsewhere; there are other forums more useful and helpful.
where users can rate the forum moderators?

That's huge can of worms, that you want to open here.

Now, keep in mind that Tom's Hardware Forums aren't government agency and it doesn't require nor it is mandatory for public (civil) oversight. It is privately held site and does not fall under the same scrutiny as government agencies do.

If you have issue with a mod, contact mod privately, or contact senior mod instead. @Rogue Leader is one of the higher ups we have.
Six posts in six years probably aren't going to be enough "weight" for the admin or mods to consider changing the status quo here.

I believe that at least one of the other popular PC forums is run by the same entity and may even share moderators. Several of the other sites mods do definitely have God complexes. This has, IMO, been one of the more evenly moderated forums I have been on in general, you just have to follow the rules and heed guidance and suggestions from said.
You found someone elses thread who had a somewhat similar problem to yours and hijacked it. That is one of the first rules in the list of those you need to agree to in joining the forum. Your post was removed and you were asked to create a new post. If this is more than you can handle, then I apologize as enforcing basic rules of the forum is our job, coddling an adult who can't handle being told those rules is not.

If you noticed when you did post your own thread you were getting help from one of our most knowledgable members, oh well so much for that. Then you proceeded to berate him over private message due to the wording of a form email generated by the forum software when you break a rule and are warned.

This is not an airport, no need to announce your departure.
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