Discussion Suggestion: Create a Trash/Forgotten Threads section


Jan 11, 2018
To keep the forum clean, despite them getting shifted down by newer threads, can threads from 1 Post, New Users, who never respond be moved to the pit? After x-number of days? Coming here asking for help and not having the decency of courtesy to respond (intentional or not) is a waste of member time and pushes active threads down.


Win 11 Master
Many reasons why users might get distracted from answering replies. I have had people return months later.

There aren't any rules saying they have to reply. It is their post after all.

Answer enough questions around here and you get used to it.
Its not a new phenomena, we all experienced it throughout the years.

If they watching thread, forums may have emailed them already about it, so they might return once they read that. think it may also remind people of unanswered posts... if any of those exist still. Forums try to get people to engage.
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