Hi, I am planning on building a PC with the following specifications. I am open to any suggestion/feedback/recommendation. It should be noted that I'm aiming at having a reliable, decent, not too powerful system that would be able to play most demanding titles at 1080 for about three years. I don't do OC'ing, and don't really insist on playing in higher resolutions than 1080. Future upgrades would be out of the window for about three years because I'm getting married and probably won't have the budget to upgrade a part or two anytime soon... my budget is about 1000-1100$. Any less expensive alternative to any of these parts with equal or better performance would be much welcomed! Let me know what you think guys.
BTW, RX 480 8GB is a must-have for me
BTW, RX 480 8GB is a must-have for me