(NOTE: This is a gaming build for $500 USD. And only looking for about 60 FPS Average for games.) Any thoughts on this build? I need help deciding, this is a $500 USD budget build. Don't really want to go with Amd, but I might consider it if i see something that appeals to me. I went with this i3 6100, because it is a skylake CPU and performs better then a lot of processers, you can see that with CPU boss. I just need help deciding what I should get with this build. And for the Gtx 950, I don't know whether or not to get a 960 or something else, this system will be used for minecraft in the beginning, then will play other games. So I'm not sure what to do, if any one wants to fix this list then re send it to me or suggest something that will help. And finally here is the build. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/CZjPxY And yes, I do know that the case does not have any USB 3.0 Ports but that is ok to me, and will not be needed, thank you. Also using Windows 10.