Question Suggestions for a mouse pad?


Jun 11, 2008
I haven't had a mouse pad for many years. I was on a smooth drafting table and didn't need one. I have recently switched venues and am in need of one. Kind of thinking of trying one of these xl versions that has room for my mouse and keyboard. I see some have stitched edges and others do not. Anything else to base my decision on?

I haven't had a mouse pad for many years. I was on a smooth drafting table and didn't need one. I have recently switched venues and am in need of one. Kind of thinking of trying one of these xl versions that has room for my mouse and keyboard. I see some have stitched edges and others do not. Anything else to base my decision on?

I would get one that fits your mouse and keyboard, I switched to one from a regular mouse pad and it feels way more better . "VicTsing extended gaming mouse pad" on amazon is what I got.