Suggestions for first build


Jul 14, 2016
I created a parts lists for my first PC build, and now I am waiting on my card to come in so I can start to order. I was thinking of any ways to improve my build, and I was checking out some other builds, and I thought that I might go up on my budget, so I can get a good build now, and not have to upgrade for a while.
The PC will be for recording console gameplay, video editing, and some casual gaming.

This is my build so far.
My original budget was $1,000, but then I raised to what is is now ($1,200-$1,300) but I would just like to see some suggestions for it I were to raise it to $1,500-$1,600.

Its not really strict on that either it could go a little higher, it just raises what I would be paying monthly, so I know I can afford it, but it;s whether or not I think it is worth it.

Any input is appreciated, thank you!
If you are spending $205 for a processor, I think it very much worth it to spend $225 or so for a I5-6600K which can be effectively overclocked some 30%
You will need a Z170 based motherboard which will likely be in the $100-$150 range.

Past that, I think you are good.

Do you know if this would be a good Z170 board?

If not, what would you suggest?


I would probably not buy a cpu cooler since the 6500 is not overcklockable so the stock cooler should be fine. Also i switched to the rx 480 since it is slightly cheaper and can sometimes beat the 1060.

Here is the updated list:

Normally, I would say ANY Z170 motherboard.
But the high percentage of negative(0-1 egg) reviews give me pause.
I think today, ASUS is generally good, but you pay a bit more.
Here is one:

Alright so I know very little about overclocking so if I get the 6600k and a good z170 motherboard, am I able to just use it like normal for now, with no overclocking? I don't mind spending some extra if it is worth it, I just don't want to mess anything up being new to this.

That is a good plan. There is absolutely no need to overclock.
Some bios options may say use optimized settings which might actually result in an overclock.