Suggestions for Improving My Current Build


Jul 18, 2015
Hello all. I am building a second computer to stream video off of (for Twitch/YouTube) and would like to improve my gaming rig in the process. Currently, I am rocking a 4790k processor (which I plan to keep in this system) OC'ed to 4.6 GHz. At this point in my time, I have an EVGA GTX 980 4 GB ( inside my computer.

My question to you is: For upgrading should I....

a.) Get another of the same GTX 980 and run them in SLI.

b.) Remove the GTX 980 and upgrade to a Titan X or Titan Z

c.) Remove the GTX 980 and upgrade to a GTX 980 ti (Maybe 2 in SLI)


d.) Remove the GTX 980 and upgrade to ~insert suggestion here~.

All feedback is appreciated!