Suggestions for NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 card replacement needed


Jan 19, 2017
I am looking to upgrade my dying graphics card and was hoping for some recommendations for a compatible card. My current card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 (2 GB DDR3, PCI-E 2.0 x16) that is having fan issues. My son does some gaming so a good performing card would be a benefit but we don't need the top of the line either.

My computer specifications are as follows:

Computer Type: HP Pavilion HPE h8-1160t
OS: Windows 10 Home
Processor: Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Power Supply: 300W
Bios version 7.12

What should I look for in a replacement graphics card? Does anyone have suggestions for a specific card or cards?

Is there a card that I can use with my current undersized power supply? I'm not all that comfortable swapping out multiple components in the computer. I'm looking to get back up and running easily and I'm willing to sacrifice some performance for simplicity.

Thank you for your help.
GTX 750 Ti...
Excellent card without need of extra 6 pin cable from PSU, low wattage required - perfect for your PC !
As you said some mid range gaming - it also appeals your PC in that segment.
It can play games like LoL, CS:GO, Minecraft, WoT easily on good settings.
GTX 750 Ti...
Excellent card without need of extra 6 pin cable from PSU, low wattage required - perfect for your PC !
As you said some mid range gaming - it also appeals your PC in that segment.
It can play games like LoL, CS:GO, Minecraft, WoT easily on good settings.

Thank you for such a fast reply!
A quick amazon search came up with these options for me;
Three different versions of the gtx750 Ti and I'm not sure what the difference is between them. Can you suggest a particular version?

Thanks again

Get EVGA one, it is 105, 30$ cheaper..