Suggestions for upgrading the GPU


Mar 19, 2014
I am looking for upgrade for my ATI radeon HD 5450, Here are my specs:
-AMD anthlon X2 270 processor
- HD5450 GPU

I don really know the advanced requirements but here are some basic one's

here are my requirements :
- want to run far cry 3 on mid-high
- skyrim in high
- less than 200$

Also there is a sale on HD7770 GDDR5, should I buy it ???

Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance ^__^
HD 7770 is a very good entry level gaming card.. it would be good improvement over your current GPU. However it may not run all the games in high but again that depends upon your gameplay resolution... but it should run them fine up to med settings.

But before buying anything you should know that you AMD athlon CPU is too weak to handle this card without bottle-necking it... for 200 USD you can get much better card than 7770 like gtx 660 or amd 7850 but they will all be held back by that weak CPU and you would never see the full performance of these cards.
HD 7770 is a very good entry level gaming card.. it would be good improvement over your current GPU. However it may not run all the games in high but again that depends upon your gameplay resolution... but it should run them fine up to med settings.

But before buying anything you should know that you AMD athlon CPU is too weak to handle this card without bottle-necking it... for 200 USD you can get much better card than 7770 like gtx 660 or amd 7850 but they will all be held back by that weak CPU and you would never see the full performance of these cards.

Exactly... and if you try to play CPU demanding games, you may encounter CPU overheating issues... your system can also become unresponsive often... I am not saying that these will occur every time but possibilities are high..