Suggestions on new build for Gaming + 3D work


Jan 24, 2018
I am having a hard time figuring out in what way I should be balancing my hardware for the budget i have (1700 dollars based in Denmark. I guess the equivilant value would be around 2000 dollars if hardware were to be bought in US, maybe more.

I primarily game, but I also do 3d modelling and post-work in other 3d software. I plan on studying for this in a couple of years, so I would need a computer to prepare myself for this.

I am already settled for Intel and Nvidia, as I will always be keep playing games and not only having a workstation.

I am split between these options:

A) i7 8700k + 1070 + 16 GB ram
B) i7 8700 + 1070ti + 16 GB ram
C) i5 8600k +1070 (maybe 1080) + 32 GB ram.

I hope that you can help me out and I'm open to other solutions as well.
Generically stating 3D Modelling software doesn't help. What app's do you use or intend to use for aforementioned 3D modelling duty? I'm an architect by profession and I can vouch for the need to go for an i7-8700K, the highest amount of ram your wallet will allow(32GB should be your minimum if you plan on doing high res renders) as well as moving for a Titan Xp or a Quadro grade GPU. If you game an equal amount as you work then your best option would be the Titan Xp.

If you're novice in terms of 3D modelling then the GTX 1070Ti/GTX1080 will keep you/your ambitions afloat.