suggestions on possible upgrades?

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So I got my pc built in July for £800 as that was my budget at the time however I'm looking to make possible upgrades within the next few weeks but I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to what parts are good / is this better than that stuff so I'm wondering if anyone can think of some decent yet affordable upgrades. I don't mind buying slightly more expensive components as long as it isn't gonna cost me an arm and a leg to do so.

My current build is
I5 4670K 3.4GHz CPU
KFA2 GTX 770 2gb GPU
Fatal1ty H97 Performance Series Motherboard
Kingston HyperX Fury 8GB Ram
Antec 650 Watt PSU

Now after some looking around I did find the Sapphire AMD R9 290 Tri-X Oc 4gb to have nice performance judging by reviews / benchmarks however not sure if it would be a worthwhile upgrade (if it would be a small increase in performance or a high one)

I don't really have a preference on brands. As long as the parts are good I don't mind what company makes it.

I'm not looking for HUGE upgrades that'll boost fps in games by 100 or anything just something that will give me an extra boost for a good price.

Aiming to try and play at 60 fps at 1080p once I actually save enough for the monitor but the parts are more important to me for the moment than the monitor.

I believe the motherboard was simply because the guy who ordered the parts and built it for me (computer shop nearby who does it cheaper) was trying to save me a bit of money because he knew I could not go over 800 at the time.

Will look in to the GTX 780 Ti and a new motherboard then
thanks for suggestion :)
Might I suggest the Asus Z87-A motherboard. Last generation compared to Z97 but you're only missing out on SATA Express (which doesn't even have any supported devices yet), and an M.2 slot....woooo!

If you're comfortable overclocking, the GTX 970 (particularly the Asus Strix version) might be a better option as its a newer and more power efficient architecture (Maxwell) and can overclock like a beast. Overclocked the 970 should beat a stock 780 Ti. I've seen people on the internet get 970s past 1.4Ghz on the core!

You might also need a better CPU cooler if you plan to overclock your i5 4690K....and you should plan to. The CM 212 Hyper Evo is a solid choice and should get your to 4.3Ghz, or Cosair H100i or CM Nepton 240M should see you past 4.6Ghz and be much quieter!
So in your opinion the Asus Strix 970 with overclocking would be better than the Zotac 780 ti? they're both pretty much the exact same price on sites I've been looking at so just wanting to make sure.

Tried oc'ing the 4670K today and yeah definitely gonna need a cooler lol
was simply wondering if i'd need to upgrade the cpu as well but was hoping not to cos the 970 / 780 ti alone is £300 so was hoping a gpu upgrade would be the only thing.

Will do a little more digging on the gpu side but you've given me 2 very nice choices i must admit.
and thanks for tip on cpu!
How did you try OCing your CPU as it should be locked on a H97 series motherboard. If you indeed have the 4670K CPU and not the 4670 (non-K) then adding voltage, increasing multipler should all be done in the BIOS of a Z-series motherboard. Just curious how you attempted it.

The CM 212 Hyper Evo is great unless you really want to push the boat out and get epic overclocks. If this sounds something you'd like to do consider a bigger air cooler (Noctua DH-14) or a 240 rad AIO (Cosair 100i or CM Nepton 240M).

GTX 780 Ti is at a very nice price point as stocks are cleared but even though it may have more performance than the GTX 970 stock-for-stock, I personally would go for the more energy efficient, cooler operating GTX 970 at only 143W TDP!!! The Asus Strix doesn't even use the fans when idling as the GPU runs so cool! Hope this helps in your decision 😉
The H97 Performance Series motherboard does allow you to OC the cpu in the BIOS despite the fact that neither the box, nor any specs on the website etc actually state that you can oc for some reason which is quite curious to say the least but nevertheless, it can be done.

I won't be going for epic overclocks to be honest. I know the cpu can go up to 4.8 but I don't see myself needing that much but will probably get a Noctua / Corsair like you suggested just to have it in the event that I do go higher.

I did do some more digging around after you suggested a 970 and to be honest I think I'm leaning towards that one more..It doesn't seem to be far off in terms of performance compared to the 780 ti and that's without overclocking it so I might just get that and possibly a 2nd in the future. Only thing that was bothering me was whether or not it would've been worth it to get the 780 ti as it was exactly the same price as the 970 is on Amazon for example.

Definitely helped my decision! Will go see if the computer shop that built my pc can get their hands on the Asus Strix 970 cheaper than it is online like they did with my 770.
Aye I did notice a few people saying it's not that big of a boost however most sites have shown more of a 20-30% boost rather than 10-20.
To be completely honest I dont "need" an upgrade, I know that but I'm one of those people who likes to..prepare I guess would be the best word.
a 970 apart from the performance boost, it also has the lower power usage that you stated, it's also extremely quiet and it has 4 gb (granted 4 is overkill as only some games are starting to use 3 but at least you're prepared for when more require that much)

If it was a case of me having to spend another £325 I wouldn't even consider doing any upgrading BUT I'm lucky to have that computer shop nearby who gert me very cheap deal on parts. they got me my KFA2 770 for about half the price it was selling for back then So If I went in and asked them to dig around for a 970 they could find one for me and I could sell my GTX 770 and end up only paying a small portion out of my own money rather than a straight up £325. So while it wouldn't be a huge upgrade, it would nevertheless be an upgrade I barely paid anything for. And then I could use the money saved on that to upgrade anything else (Was wondering about a possible future CPU upgrade however I'm quite content with my 4670K and I know next to nothing about CPU's...not that my knowledge of GPU's is any better lol)

Hope that made a bit of sense and doesn't make me seem like an idiot lol.
Asus Strix 970 is £294 here
Just for reference. That makes sense what you said but it would make more sense if your next upgrade was to a higher resolution monitor like 1440p. At 1440p the GTX 970 is much better than the GTX 770. Your CPU should be fine for a long time due to the very high clock speeds it can achieve (4.6+Ghz) so consider a monitor upgrade next. Hopefully next year 27" 1440p IPS monitors will come down in price as currently they are around £450-500
If I can sell my 770 for a decent enough price I'll definitely be picking up that 970. Should be able to..My card is only 5 months old and hasn't got anything wrong with it. So hopefully be able to get as close to the 970 price as I can.
450-500 for a 1440p monitor? Yeaaah let's wait till next year for that one xD
Yeah thought the CPU would be fine. BIOS let's me go up to 4.8GHz and It's not like there's any games rthat require anything close to that just yet anyhow.
If I can sell my 770 for a decent enough price I'll definitely be picking up that 970. Should be able to..My card is only 5 months old and hasn't got anything wrong with it. So hopefully be able to get as close to the 970 price as I can.
450-500 for a 1440p monitor? Yeaaah let's wait till next year for that one xD
Yeah thought the CPU would be fine. BIOS let's me go up to 4.8GHz and It's not like there's any games rthat require anything close to that just yet anyhow.