Suggestions on what to upgrade my 5 year old PC


Feb 12, 2017

First off thank you for taking the time to read my 1st post. I am in need of some assistance on what to upgrade on my old PC. I am primary a gamer, and I am tired of running every new game on LOW settings and getting below 20 FPS in games. I think I build this PC back in 2006. I think I need a new everything but I would like suggestions on what to upgrade first, I'm on a bit of a budget and would like priority on were my $ will be best used first. Below is the list of parts I currently have:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz

8.0 GB

Motherboard MS-7680

Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit


Any input is greatly appreciated. I would like to keep the upgrade under $500.
Thank you for your time!
I agree with the others. Actually, your system is still fairly decent for gaming, aside from the graphics card. CPU performance improvements have kind of stagnated over the last few years, so your processor is still up in the second tier of Tom's CPU hierarchy chart. 8GB of RAM is also still plenty to run almost any game with high settings. The 550 TI is clearly the bottleneck there. Throw in a $200-$250 graphics card, and you should be able to play pretty much any current game with high settings and good frame rates at 1080p, and the system might last you another couple years or more. Maybe in another year or so games might benefit from having a bit more RAM, but that should be a relatively simple and inexpensive upgrade.
I agree with the others. Actually, your system is still fairly decent for gaming, aside from the graphics card. CPU performance improvements have kind of stagnated over the last few years, so your processor is still up in the second tier of Tom's CPU hierarchy chart. 8GB of RAM is also still plenty to run almost any game with high settings. The 550 TI is clearly the bottleneck there. Throw in a $200-$250 graphics card, and you should be able to play pretty much any current game with high settings and good frame rates at 1080p, and the system might last you another couple years or more. Maybe in another year or so games might benefit from having a bit more RAM, but that should be a relatively simple and inexpensive upgrade.

Could you please explain a K chip and a H board?
2500K can overclock, but needs a Z chipset board Z68 or Z77. H61 will not overclock. if the chip was overclocked to 4.4GHz it would be comparable to modern chips. but at stock clocks the i5 7500 will perform better at 3.4 boost clock 3.8 GHz since it has generational improvements also.

You might be able to find a decent Z68 or Z77 on ebay, but watch out for those for parts or not working listings and buy from a high rep seller, and make sure it is board and I/O shield at least.

First off a GPU for performance

2nd a Z board to overclock your cpu, be careful in the used market. just found this on amazon
Do you have an ATX case or a MATX case?

Then get a 250GB class SSD 850 evo or crucial 275


I am not sure on what kind of case I have, is there any way to tell?

You can use the same license, link it to a microsoft account like hotmail first. then change the board and go back and tell it you changed hardware. Just follow the guide.

And a $20 cooler like would be enough for around 4.4 GHz

So GPU ~$200, motherboard $100, Cooler $20 leaves $180 in his budget, can even consider a SSD

If OP goes for the first method i suggested, i5 7500 $200, b250 ~$80, 8 GB 2400 DDR4 ~$50, and gpu ~$200, still telling windows he changed hardware he is over budget up front, but can make back a bit on his 2500k and maybe a little for his old ram and h61.