O omar27 Honorable Dec 22, 2013 40 0 10,530 May 11, 2014 #1 some suggests for a motherboard for amd a10 7850k
clutchc Titan Ambassador Apr 22, 2009 43,153 411 131,790 May 11, 2014 #2 Since you don't say whether it has to be mATX or ATX and since you don't state a budget, I'm just guessing here... This is ATX board is one of the best for that class APU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132056 Upvote 0 Downvote
Since you don't say whether it has to be mATX or ATX and since you don't state a budget, I'm just guessing here... This is ATX board is one of the best for that class APU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132056