Super Low and disappointing FPS, GTX 1060 6GBS


Oct 30, 2017
So, today I just changed a GT 210 for a new EVGA GTX 1060 SUPER SUPERCLOCKED on my 2011 "Monster PC", I followed all the needed steps to make the GPU installation properly, but at the game test I was really dissapointed due the extremely low FPS it gave me like 24-40 FPS on CS GO and 25-50 FPS on Minecraft at 1080p(Games used just to make a quick test).

I had an ATI 100 8500 for it and it performed really good 2013's games, almost 50-80 on every game at med-settings in 1080p. (But it burned on late 2015, until now I could afford another decent GPU)

The basic specs are these:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz

Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB


Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

I honestly dont know what's going on but it seems that many users had this problem too (And I have tried their solutions too but none has worked like installing older drivers or even reinstall the card)
Im still very confused about this trouble and I would really appreciate your proffesional & free help.

Thank you in advance.
Well, Minecraft is CPU dependent and not videocard dependent to start with. I don't recommend using games to test basic performance and functionality. Use a benchmark tool like 3dmark. You'll get a 'score' which you can then compare to others with a similar system in order to see if performance is more or less right.

I'd double check the installation. First off, what kind of power supply do you have? It's quite a difference in power requirements going from a 210 to 1060. Next, make sure all ATI videocard drivers and the old Nvidia videocard drivers are uninstalled. Then shut down and install the 1060, or just reboot if it's already installed. Now install the new Nvidia drivers from the Nvidia website, not from the disc you got with the card if you got one. Select 'custom' install, uncheck the things you don't need, such as 3d drivers, and then select 'clean installation' then install the drivers.

That is BS.

CSGO is an esport game made to run well on most system. It is hardly on intensive on the CPU aswell. The i7 950 can easily perform over 100FPS in CS:GO, as proven here:

OP your cpu shouldn't be the problem here.
Having only one or two games as a sample of the performance you are having it's hard to really tell what might be the issue. I would uninstall the drivers completely reboot the machine then reinstall the latest drivers. Try out a few games (more then two) and see what FPS your getting. It would also be a good idea to install afterburner or something along those lines to so you can put up a hud with your cpu usage and your video card usage and see where they are at when you are gaming. You will want to see the GPU running at as close to 99% as possible if its running at anything below say 80% then your cpu is holding the GPU back(that is unless you have on vsync then that wont be accurate).
Your cpu while a bit older can still push the frames but you would need to overclock it to see some good gains you can always overclock that and see if it helps as well.
i7-950 is still perfectly competent. Mine is still running with a GTX970 and runs pretty much all games.

You can even overclock it to quite high clock speeds if you have decent RAM. (In fact you don't really need 24GB, so if you have 6 4GB sticks, you can drop half of them for easier overclocking, if you have 3 8GB, then never mind)

A agree on the recommendation for a fresh install of the drivers:

Is a nice tool for completely removing Nvidia and AMD drivers. Then you can install the drivers for the card from Nvidia.

Only other thing to try might be getting the latest BIOS update for your motherboard. Pascal cards are really looking for UEFI BIOS, might not get along too well with the older x58 board if it hasn't been updated.
After trying all these methods and getting nothing of that 100+(Not even a stable 50)fps on the most recent games (and even a goddam 2001 game) at highest settings, my final solution would be to send that 6gbs poop back to where I bought it and use the money to buy 3 Ati 100 5800's and run Battlefield 1942 at atleast some stable 60 fps, because that card continues to refuse that it is a 6gbs 1060, so apparently I payed 350$ for a last gen Gpu and got the same 10 years old 210 20$ jerk again, sorry for your wasted time tho...