Super Mild Overclock Problem


Feb 22, 2015
If I overclock my system even 200 megahertz it will lock-up, it has a stock cooler but it won't even staying running at those speeds more then a couple minutes on either Prime95 and Intel burn test. I'm new to overclocking and was wondering if I won't be able to overclock or (more then likely) I'm doing something wrong. Thank you for your time.

AMD Kaveri 7850k
8 Gb (2x4) Sniper Gskill Ram @ 2133 Megahertz and 9 CL
Windows 8.1
Corsair CX series 430 watt bronze PSU
Stock AMD cooler
First thing Dont overclock with stock cooler, stock cooler are worst Second thing, your PSU is not good for overclocking. Corsair cx,cs,vs are not good for overclocking. They are good for gaming but not for overclocking. AMD Kaveri 7850k is good enough, not need to overclock. If you want to overclock then get a cheap aftermarket cooler Hyper 212 evo, if you on tight budget then hyper tx3 will also be work. And get a good PSU from EVGA, Seasonic and XFX. they are best manufacturers of PSUs. Best Luck.
CB :sol:
First thing Dont overclock with stock cooler, stock cooler are worst Second thing, your PSU is not good for overclocking. Corsair cx,cs,vs are not good for overclocking. They are good for gaming but not for overclocking. AMD Kaveri 7850k is good enough, not need to overclock. If you want to overclock then get a cheap aftermarket cooler Hyper 212 evo, if you on tight budget then hyper tx3 will also be work. And get a good PSU from EVGA, Seasonic and XFX. they are best manufacturers of PSUs. Best Luck.
CB :sol:
I tried to get an aftermarket cooler... the heat pipes butt up against my ram sticks so the only other way to cool the processor is a water cooler. I was able to overclock the GFX engine over 1 Ghz and actually started to see tearing on my maxed out spore game for the first time, but for the actual CPU part it will only stay as solid as a rock at 4 Ghz. Any more and it will freeze as well as at 3.8 and 3.9 Ghz, so i guess its happy either running stock or at 4 Ghz. :??:


I went through bios and selected 4.0 GHz for sh*ts and giggles and it is rock solid, both prime95 and Intel burn test couldn't shake it. But its unstable at 3.8, 3.9, and above 4.0 GHz.Any idea why? I also tried 3.8, 3.9, and 4.1-4.3 but the system locked-up before I could test it. I didn't want to go any higher than a 600 MHz overclock with a stock cooler.

Thats the way you go wrong. You cant pick any manual settings, frequency and voltage. Overclocking must be done step by step. See the correct method to overclock.:
I will recommend to do overclocking in bios because it needs less voltage, higher oc and if also increase the processor life comparable to oc by software. Also If you get Any manual settings and of you go for that then the oc will be unstable and will produce more heat. If you give less voltage then you will get unstable oc and if you give higher voltage then it will produce more heat and will reduce CPUs life. So it is important to find a sweet point of correct combination of frequency and voltage. To do that Just follow this Steps:
1) just enable your XMP memory profile if your memory support that.
2) increase the cpu ratio from factory settings a little(whichever smallest possible) and boot in your os.
3) Download cpu stress testing software prime95 and do a stress test around 20 minutes.
4) if it passes then restart and go in bios, increase a little cpu ratio again a little bit.
5) if it passes then repeat 4th method. And if it not passes then go in bios and increase the CPU voltage and again test. Just keep doing that.
6) a time will arrive when the temp will gone so high, at that time you have to stop and keep it to cool.
7) also when doing upper methods you have to keep a eye on your temps.
8) a step will arrive when prime95 will never pass or the temp will gone so high immediately when stress test started, that point you have to stop and you get the unleashed speed of your processor. You got a stable oc now. Watch temps and don't let them go above 80.
Also see the guide that I given below, it will tell you the basics. Good Luck.
CB :sol:

Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it. Do you know why my APU is only stable on either stock speeds or 4.0 Ghz, but nothing else? I'm very curious as why, my NB is set at 1.8 Ghz, I've overclocked the RAM to 2400 MHz from 2133 MHz, and the GFX engine is overclocked to I believe 960 MHz. I'm currently running the APU at 4.0 GHz.