News Superconductor Breakthrough: 16 Teams Race to Validate Claims

All this hype for nothing haha
Superconductivity at LN2 temperatures without exotic elements, exotic manufacturing process or extreme pressures would still have potential for reducing manufacturing costs to the point of making many new applications economically viable. Not as exciting as it would have been at room temperature where it would have countless uses in day-to-day stuff or even -40C to avoid exotic cooling but still something.
Superconductivity at LN2 temperatures without exotic elements, exotic manufacturing process or extreme pressures would still have potential for reducing manufacturing costs to the point of making many new applications economically viable. Not as exciting as it would have been at room temperature where it would have countless uses in day-to-day stuff or even -40C to avoid exotic cooling but still something.
I am quite aware but this hadn't been proven to be super conductive until -150C. Not -40

The issue here is a tech site covering news from equally ignorant people throwing science under the bus. Wait until verification is done before starting the hype train
Rumors are reported on here sometime. The reporting here has been quite reasonable I think and hasn't overhyped it. There has always been a lot of doubt cast on this claim. This one line " and even if it ends up being a failure, that, too, is part of the scientific process." is particularly good scientific reporting to me.
There has always been a lot of doubt cast on this claim. This one line " and even if it ends up being a failure, that, too, is part of the scientific process." is particularly good scientific reporting to me.
Imagine if biochemists and doctors working in the medical field, were held to the same low standards as today's physicists when releasing papers.

"CSF1 might actually be helping in controlling secondary infections in TB patients, we're not all in agreement, so we didn't peer review it, and half our team is missing on the paper. So anway, we just released it into the wild. That's how we roll. Oh yeah, and half our graphs about liver toxicity at high dose is missing, we'll post the missing piece on Twitter. Anyway, here is our study. Tadaa!"
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I am quite aware but this hadn't been proven to be super conductive until -150C. Not -40
And as I wrote, that makes it far less exciting assuming the rest of it pans out due to all of the constraints that come with operating at LN2 temperatures.

We do have one lab saying that their atomic modelling looks like there is something there, many labs confirming that they have synthesized the crystal and a few labs confirming either half of superconductivity with it but not both halves simultaneously.

Crystals being what they are, difficulties achieving both properties concurrently could be due to only appearing with specific crystal dimensions and shapes.