Superlux 668b HD wiring issue (no sound in one side)

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Jun 28, 2014
Hey, just earlier today my headphones randomly decided to stop working on one side. The other side works perfectly fine.

I pried open the case and looked at the wiring, I believe I found something that might be wrong, but even if what I assume is correct, I still don't know what to solder it to, and I'd assume that wiring it randomly would be a very bad idea.

Anyone here that just so happens to have fixed a similar problem in the past, or have one of these headphones present and wouldn't mind looking at the wires for a second?

There are two cables, white and red, which go on to the other side of the headphones. There are three wires brown, red, and blue, two of which go to each their side, the blue one who goes inside a very short black cable together with the red cable, the black cables purpose appears to be purely to gather the blue wire and red cable to one place.

I am assuming that I am supposed to solder the black cable (red cable blue wire) into the opposite site of the white cable, as that would make sense, both electrically and visually, but I don't really want to do anything unless I'm absolutely certain.

As an addendum, would be nice with a tip of how to get a makeshift way to solder it without melting everything around.
Solved it by soldering mercury with a match with the wire that I hadn't 100% confirmed was right but was most likely right, don't need help anymore.

No idea how to delete the thread though...
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