Support 1866 ram


Dec 9, 2013
Hi, I notice that CPUs such as i5-3350p only support up to 1600 RAM. Are this actually real or is it based on the motherboard instead? Because I have a 1866 RAM and am looking for a motherboard and CPU to run it, for gaming.

You wouldn't normally choose a CPU based on the type of RAM you have.
You normally choose a CPU based on performance and price, then use RAM that suits.
There is nothing wrong with using this RAM and a Core i5-3350P.

An example of a processor that supports DDR3-1866 is the core i7 4820K.
You will find the CPU and motherboard are much more expensive than the Core i5-3350p.

So I should get a CPU that has 1866? Any of such to recommend?
Id say just save yourself the hassle and get 1600mhz ram. Besides you wont notice that much of a difference. but if you really want 1866 let me know and if you willing to get a different cpu i could help look around.

Edit: Just seen you Said 1866 CPU and not 1866 RAM i could help you look for a CPU that supports it if you want. also if you could give me a budget?

You wouldn't normally choose a CPU based on the type of RAM you have.
You normally choose a CPU based on performance and price, then use RAM that suits.
There is nothing wrong with using this RAM and a Core i5-3350P.

An example of a processor that supports DDR3-1866 is the core i7 4820K.
You will find the CPU and motherboard are much more expensive than the Core i5-3350p.


Because I already have a 1866 RAM. That's why... So the conclusion should be sticking to the 1600 RAM limit for the sake of saving cost?

Just choose the CPU you want based on performance and cost and use the RAM you have.
The RAM you have will work at the lower speed.
The RAM speed is not particularly important to performance.
No problem Ive gotten tired of playing skyrim for hours on end in the middle of the morning, And depressed because of a relationship problem atm, So figured id go to the geek world and help people to get me out of the bordem and emotional issues im having. lol. ill look some stuff up and be back soon. 95 (I dont know about shipping for you) (Newer Haswell CPU)

Motherboard supports the ram and if wanted down the road you could upgrade to a 4570K or 4770K and do some overclocking along with it, I dont know about that motherboard in particular as im alot more experienced with AMD than Intel. but for CPU you arent overclocking. Itll do you just fine. If not more than what you need.
Price is 284.99 Before shipping or any plans.