support 2x 2GB ram?


Oct 10, 2017
hey guys.... just wondering if anyone knows if my old motherboard will support 2 gig of ram and if i can use both ram slots and make it 4 gig.

Motherboard is Gigabyte Technologies M61 SME-S2 (socket-m2).....
Thank you!

Thank you, that's awesome. Im a noob, been playing with this old computer for about two weeks... its 32 bit, so doesn't that mean it can only handle 4 gig of ram, or will that not matter. The ram drive i made from usb only allows 4gb in virtual memory.....


Thanks. Is it the windows version that determines how many bits it runs? ... if i spend $10 on windows 7 64 bit, will i then be able to use two 4GB's of ram on that motherboard?


AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+.....

absolute beginner here, but the 64 in that number must mean its 64 bit capable?