[SOLVED] Suprim X 3080 Performance

Aug 16, 2021
Suprim X 3080 Performance

First of all my specs:
RTX 3080 Suprim X
i7 8700k
16 GB DDR4 @ 3200MHz (2x8GB Dual Chain)
Aorus Z370 Gaming 3
Windows 10 and all Drivers for GPU Updated
Playing with 2560x1440p
850 Watt RM850x

It feels like my GPU is underperforming when compared to other peoples Benchmarks.
In Warzone for example: People hit 200 FPS while im sitting at 110-130 with:
GPU Usage: 80%CPU Usage: 60%

Temps are perfectly fine! The GPU is connected by 2 PSU cables (1 of them daisy chained).
Here are some statistics from HWinfo and GPU-Z while benchmarking in Heaven4

View: https://imgur.com/a/BcLqal0

My CPU shouldnt bottleneck imo, since its never above 60-70%

Is my Memory to slow?
Is my Motherboard not working optimal with the GPU? (1 x PCI Express x16 slot)

Appreciate any help!
I agree with Phaaze88, we have been watching a lot of people asking about poor performance in Warzone.

Maybe is just the game that does not scale as well as it should.

Perhaps some hardware "mix" gives better results that others with only 1 diferent component.

As for "youtube videos" showing game performance, don't trust anyone soo much, unless they are well known reviewers, there could be a lot of things going on in the background to inflate the numbers, including some of the business that made computer hardware.
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There sure have been a lot of 'poor performance, but it's Warzone' topics lately. Can't be a coincidence...

Core 5 thread 0 hit 96%. That's probably the Primary Thread designated by the game engine.
Looks like cpu limitation.

As for the UBM results, it looks ok. The C drive is the only one that looks off.
The gpu is within 10% of the average bench - a few percent higher, even - and the percentile is still over 50th. It is fine.
There sure have been a lot of 'poor performance, but it's Warzone' topics lately. Can't be a coincidence...

Core 5 thread 0 hit 96%. That's probably the Primary Thread designated by the game engine.
Looks like cpu limitation.

As for the UBM results, it looks ok. The C drive is the only one that looks off.
The gpu is within 10% of the average bench - a few percent higher, even - and the percentile is still over 50th. It is fine.
Hi, i accidently pasted the benchmark screenshot (with the Core 5 at 96%)
Now i got the ingame screenshot in the post above!

But yeah, i also mostly read about warzone and rtx3080 performance issues.
I agree with Phaaze88, we have been watching a lot of people asking about poor performance in Warzone.

Maybe is just the game that does not scale as well as it should.

Perhaps some hardware "mix" gives better results that others with only 1 diferent component.

As for "youtube videos" showing game performance, don't trust anyone soo much, unless they are well known reviewers, there could be a lot of things going on in the background to inflate the numbers, including some of the business that made computer hardware.
Now every thread has hit 90% or more at some point or other...
The 8700K is still a darn fast cpu today. The heck is going on with this game?

Doesn't help that CoD: Cold War exists, and that there was recent news of Vanguard.
Publishers slowly shift game support from the old to the new, and the old inevitably dies off. They could care less about Warzone now since the money stream has slowed down.
When they're ready to move on, they want the consumers to move on with them: keep buying the next one and spending more via the macrotransactions.
This is one of the disgusting things about the live service model.