Surge Protector Question


Aug 12, 2016
Ok so I have a surge protector that looks pretty old but is the best looking one I have around. I have a belkin f5c572-tel. I can't find how old this exactly is and I just built a computer. I have so many expensive electronics plugged into this strip and I'm worried if it's reliable anymore. It still has the protected and grounded light on. And it has around 700 joules.

I'm looking to mount a surge protector under my desk but I don't want to put holes in it unless I know what surge protector I'm using so I don't have excess holes in it. I just had a power spike not too long ago and my electronics are all fine and the lights all stayed on

I know surge protectors are cheap but I don't want to have to spend extra money if I don't really need one.

I have a surge protector in mind for 20$ with 4000 joules that would last me awhile
But I'm not sure how many joules "is a lot".

Here are my questions
Should I be safe looking at the protected light on my current strip?

How many joules does a common power outage / spike use up in a surge protector?

Any extra questions please ask and I'll clarify