Surround Sound Issues

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Feb 16, 2014
A couple months back I broke my front panel audio plugs( only the left side would work) so instead I decided to get extension cables to connect my headphones to the back. It was working for a few weeks, however, the extension cable broke and I just ordered and receive another one. When plugging in the extension cable and the headphones into the extension cable, the surround sound does not properly work and the sound would play from both sides despite the sound only coming from one side in game. What do I do?
usb or 3.5mm?

3.5mm plug will have a number of metal bands .... check to see if they match your sound controller socket / or check to see if it matches your old extension cable plug. mis-matched plug bands generally go unnoticed as noone normally looks close enough.
your headset has 3? or your extension has 3?

if your headset has 3, then you have a software emulator that fakes surround sound ... the options will be found in your sound program.

if your headset has 4, and the extension has 3, then its your extension thats to blame, buy an extension with 4
Both my old and new extension has 2, and my headphones has 3. This means I need a surround sound emulator? What are some good ones? I was using razer surround but it doesn't seem like it works.
im unsure tbh, i have a controller (sound card) that does it all for me - soundblaster

you would need to do a little digging yourself. but if razer isnt working, have you tried updating or re-installing it?>

and the extensions having 2 .... not so good 😉 get yourself a 3 band / 4 pole extension cable.
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