Surround to Stereo THINGAMAJIG back to 5.1/Surround

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Jan 5, 2019
My fancy tuner/receiver will be reduced to stereo output, going to a graphic equalizer (a gift). I need a THINGAMAJIG that will take stereo outputs and divide the sound back to 5.1 / surround again. The subwoofer shall remain connected to the receiver. WHAT IS THE TYPE OF, & NAME OF THE THINGAMAJIG?
There is no thingamagig to do what you want. You can't use a stereo EQ on 5.1 channels. Each speaker type would need it's own EQ.
If you wanted to use it to adjust the main front L/R speakers you would need a preamp output for the EQ (or a speaker to line level converter) and an external power amp to drive the speakers.
You could use it with one analog source to EQ that.
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