[Survey] Why do you stop your current game session?


Feb 23, 2015
Hello Gamers,

have you ever wondered why you actually stopped playing video games? Is it in the game or are there other reasons more central?
That's the question I am currently trying to answer in my Master Thesis at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg.

Since I still need some participants, I would be very thankful if you could take some time (less than 5 minutes) after your next game session
and help me to answer the question above.
The hyperlink can be retrieved at:


Greetz and thanks
I thought it was just a simple survey that I would talk in generalities about.

But it's actually asking why I stopped my LAST game session and specifically what game I was playing and why I stopped.

It's interesting, but it requires me to like, proactively play a game then answer the survey,