Hello. I'm moving from an FX6300 that I run at 4.2GHz, to an i5. I picked up an i5 4690 off Craigslist for $100 and a MSI Z97 PC Mate mobo for $58 off eBay. I plan to put my FX6300 and ASUS FX990 Pro on eBay. Should I sell the 4690 and get a 4670K? They are around the same price and it looks like performance is very close at stock. I know the 4690 is awesome and more than I need for my single R9 290, I just want the ability to OC if I crossfire in the future. I don't want to pay the extra for the 4690K because I'll probably upgrade again in a couple years when (if) Zen has matured. Are there any serious disadvantages to the 4670K? Should I just spend the extra $30-40 for the 4690K? Thanks for any input and sorry for rambling.