Question Swapped half the components, PC won't start


Nov 22, 2014
Hi everyone,

I'm at a loss here so would like to see if I can get any help or suggestions. This will be a long post, so if you could help, please read everything in case there is a hint to the solution. I will try to keep it as tidy as possible.

Here is the original spec:
MoBo: asrock b85 pro4
Memory: hyperx fury 8gb ddr3
CPU: i5 4460
GPU: GTX 970 stryx DC2OC
1 TB Seagate HDD
1 DVD Rom
550w bronze 80 integra m 550w
Case: Zalman Z9 plus

A few months ago my PC crashed. Would not turn on anymore - kept turning fans and lights on and off every couple of seconds until forcefully turned off (through the I/O switch).
I tried removing component by component but it wouldn't help. I cleared the CMOS by pulling out the battery and after that it started. It ran for 30 or so minutes (I left it on and went away, didn't work on it) before crashing again. After that, I couldn't get it to run. It didn't turn on and off anymore, it stayed on but wouldn't display anything. I tested the PSU (paperclip test), everything was fine. I tried a brand new PSU from work, again without results. I tried new power cable, new DVI, new HDMI, another monitor, nothing. Tried it with all components down to only CPU and RAM. Nothing.

Last week I finally looked for a new MoBo (everyone I know who is even remotely into PC's suggested it was a mobo if the PSU is OK). I bought a used MSI Z97 Gaming 3 in a really clean condition.
Hooked everything up, PC turns on and off again. So with the new mobo it doesn't even stay powered. Again, everything hooked up to just CPU and RAM hooked up - same result. I did notice that if I remove the memory and leave just the CPU (other components can be connected or disconnected), it stays powered on but no display obviously.

I tried my RAM in my work PC - RAM is fine.

So, naturally, I bought another (used) CPU. i5 4690.

Same thing, turns on and off until I disconnect RAM. No matter what else is hooked up.

Right now I have both mobos out of the case and on a wooden table. Since it is a modular PSU, I unplugged every cable apart from the mobo cables.

I have PSU powering only the mobo and only CPU and RAM installed. I even took the i/o switch out of the equation and am turning them on and off by shorting the pins.

Results are like this:
B85 and 4460 - stays powered, no display
B85 and 4690 - stays powered, no display
Z97 and 4460 - turns on and off (stays powered if RAM is removed)
Z97 and 4690 - turns on and off (stays powered if RAM is removed)

I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I'll try and find a third PSU just to be safe.

Does anyone have another idea or a suggestion I could try?

Cheers and thanks for reading.
What OS is installed?

Were you able to try a new CMOS battery?

CPU: What thermal paste product was used and how was the thermal paste applied?

Win 10
New battery tried in both mobos
Not sure about the thermal paste precisely, but one peasized drop on the CPU, after it was cleaned of old. I don't see how thermal paste type is connected since the PC doesn't even stay running, there is simply no chance of overheating.
Actually the CPU can heat up very quickly. So quickly in fact that CPU's are designed to thermally shutdown when that happens.

Google "cpu thermal shutdown temperature" - many links and explanations. Then revise the search criteria as you read and learn.

Quite possible that you will discover some other issue that has been overlooked.

Also, this motherboard? Pro4.pdf

[Verify that I found the applicable manual.]

Double check all component connections and connectors to ensure that they are correct. It is very easy to misconnect a cable. Be careful with the small print....

Also do not mix PSU cables. Use the cables that came with the PSU. Especially modular PSUs.
I suspect your RAM. Just because they work in another system does not mean they should work with yours.

Run Memtest86 from a USB for 4 passes to check for errors and if there are any then RMA the full kit. If they do test OK then there may be a mismatch so choose another single kit to test with, that are listed on the MB QVL and are supported by both CPU and MB.
The initial conclusion that your B85 is dead was probably right. Assuming that, the simplest explanation of your current situation would be that Z97 is also dead (although exact type of failure is likely different than the B85 has). So, did you see/know it working before you bought it?
Another thing to check would be to try the other PSU with Z97. The fact that B85 was behaving same way with two PSUs does not mean your PSU is completely fine.
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Ok, not to quote everyone.

Tested all 4 combinations with a 3rd psu and a 4th stick of ram. Not working. So I am almost 100% sure whatever died in the first place (cpu or mobo), I went on and bought another faulty component. I have no other explanation for it.

To answer a few questions from the last few posts - I did not see either the new cpu nor the new mobo working before I bought them.

Modular PSU used with all the original cables.

Nothing is connected incorrectly. I dumbed things down to a mobo outside the case and just cpu and ram connected. I even took out the power switch in case it was causing issues by shorting power pins directly in order to start the what's left of the PC. Nothing.

So unless someone has another idea, I'm really sure I have two broken of the same thing.
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After the last post I went for one more Hail Mary try (z97, 4690, test psu and test ram) and it decided to start.

I have no clue what happened, I literaly just turned it on one more time.

Then I replaced the test memory with my old one, worked, my psu, worked again. I did notice that only ram slots 3 and 4 are working, but I tried all of them before with every piece of hardware I had and it never turned on.

Old mobo and cpu did not start, but I had enough of it so I just left the new parts in.

Only thing I notice is the mobo powers up, then the cpu fan takes two shy turns (turns-stops, turns-stops) before powering up comoletely and then the pc boots.

This was all still with the mobo and just the basics connected, I'd like to keep the thread open until I put it all inside the housing and connect everything, but I hope it will work now.

Thanks for the suggestions so far!
What BIOS version are you running? The fact it out right isn't posting to the display could mean the GPU or RAM is busted. You should be able to diagnose ram by a trying to boot with only 1 stick in and changing which channel it is in and also changing the stick to eliminate the chance you pulled the dud one first etc. The Z97 board has a Bios update to support 4th gen CPUS, the other board you purchased only has bios updates to support 5th gen and a few other things. Both boards have had a few BIOS updates.

Have you also tried a different DP/HDMI/DVI-D/VGA Cable? Or posting from the Motherboards Intel HD Graphics 4600?
What BIOS version are you running? The fact it out right isn't posting to the display could mean the GPU or RAM is busted. You should be able to diagnose ram by a trying to boot with only 1 stick in and changing which channel it is in and also changing the stick to eliminate the chance you pulled the dud one first etc. The Z97 board has a Bios update to support 4th gen CPUS, the other board you purchased only has bios updates to support 5th gen and a few other things. Both boards have had a few BIOS updates.

Have you also tried a different DP/HDMI/DVI-D/VGA Cable? Or posting from the Motherboards Intel HD Graphics 4600?

It's working, check my last post.

Just out of curiosity, did you read the opening post? Cause apart from bios version, everything else is mentioned 🙂