Swapping cases, need help

My rig needs a new home, the case I got was a deepcool tesseract (cheaped out)
and it didnt allow my gpu to screw in, so I'm going to get a new case.

I'm a bit nervous about moving my most imnportant thing in my life, but I built it.

Ok, I need a big case. My video card is huge and I need airspace.

So, here is my list:

Mobo: asrock h97 anniversary
CPU: Intel i5 5560
GPU: AMD Sapphire radeon R9 280x (Tri X) it has 3 fans, a very big video card
Ram: two sticks
EVGA Supernova B2 700 WATT
Wireless card: TP link PCI-e tritenna
Hard drive, just a terabyte hard drive, cant remember the model
I have no watercooling, I dont like having water in my case, I don't trust it, rn I have a desktop fan blowing into my case, stagnant air is a myth I tell you

I want a big case, something that would allow my to SCREW IN MY DAMN GRAPHICS CARD

Also I don't mind the color, I want my PC safe

Also, I'm not good with cable management, so maybe some big space

And a window would be kickass

I have 130 dollars for a case, though I'm not wanting to spend above 80 dollars, but if the case looks good enough, I might comprimise.

Also, what should I lay my parts out on? Bubble wrap?