Swapping fan blades from another brand


Sep 2, 2017
I have purchased the Thermaltake RGB riing 120mm fans for my radiator but I want the blades to be white. I don't want to spray them just in case I get the balance wrong so is it possible to swap with other blades from another brand?

I just want to make sure before I buy one.
Also I am guessing I would need to make sure it can hand the RPM's and the bearing's match. In this case Hydraulic bearing, right?

Such as Fractal Design Silent R2 or R3 or Corsair ML120 120mm (Though corsair use Mag lev bearing which I think would use simular tech to hydraulic...not 100% sure)
You can't reverse engineer fans, tolerances won't allow it. Basically the fan/motor assembly is a 1 shot deal. The shroud/surround is a different story. If you are mechanically proficient, and good with some plasti-weld, you could ostensibly swap the fan/motor assembly out of one surround and into a different one. Easier done with the new RGB fans than the older led, as the RGB fans have separate wiring from the fan wiring. But again, the tolerances are tight, it'll only take being a mm off or out of 180° and the blades will hit the surround or you'll knock the pitch out and imbalance the fan, disastrous either way.

Think carefully, one wrong move and you just wasted a bunch of time and $50 worth of fan, just to change its color.

You can't reverse engineer fans, tolerances won't allow it. Basically the fan/motor assembly is a 1 shot deal. The shroud/surround is a different story. If you are mechanically proficient, and good with some plasti-weld, you could ostensibly swap the fan/motor assembly out of one surround and into a different one. Easier done with the new RGB fans than the older led, as the RGB fans have separate wiring from the fan wiring. But again, the tolerances are tight, it'll only take being a mm off or out of 180° and the blades will hit the surround or you'll knock the pitch out and imbalance the fan, disastrous either way.

Think carefully, one wrong move and you just wasted a bunch of time and $50 worth of fan, just to change its color.

And no, painting isn't an option either, it changes the weight of the blades at the tips causing different flex characteristics. That alone is why it took Noctua so many years to finally make a 20cm fan, they couldn't get the blades to behave correctly at higher rpm, the flex of the plastic changed the fan characteristics, doubling the Noctua set acceptable noise output.
That and paint is porous, so those white blades will start turning tan on the leading edges pretty quickly.

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