Swapping My Laptop HDD For an SSD


Dec 17, 2012
Hey guys, quick question here.

If I were to buy an SSD, what exactly would I need to transfer all the media from my current hard drive to it? Can someone maybe link me to a usb/sata adapter that will work with an SSD AND HDD. I looked up a couple but I'm not entirely sure what will work with a 2.5" drive.

The plan is to take out my current hard drive, insert the SSD and install Windows. Then connect the HDD externally and transfer the media to my new SSD.

First person to send me a good link gets a best answer! :)

Edit: the link has to be from a Canadian retailer as I live in Alberta. - Thanks
You could also use an enclosure like this one is for 2.5" drives:


The advantage is that you can keep using it as an external drive. But if you don't like this one there are many other models, some are more portable than others, etc...

*** Edit: Forgot to mention this one has an e-sata port too so if your laptop has an e-sata input it will be very vary fast (even faster than usb 3.0 as e-sata is using the internal sata interface, so it should give you the same speed as an internal disk).
Thanks guys.
@Geo, my current laptop only has 2.0 but the build I'm planning to put that Titan in we talked about earlier will be 3.0. The SSD is going in my notebook for now, and when I finalize that build I'm going to be putting the HDD back in and using it as my media center.