Swapping out my AMD 8350 for a i5 3570k December 2015. Thoughts?


Dec 2, 2015
Thinking of swapping out my AMD 8350 for a i5 3570k second hand for a pretty reasonable price. Sick of these devs of today not optimizing for the FX AMD processors. Thoughts?
Literally a 30fps difference between 8350 and 3570k on Shadow of Mordor is insane. And whereas in Crysis 3, an older, still great looking game, runs pretty much the same on the two processors :/
And with DX12 being implemented, that should mean better performance on multicored processors like the FX series right?

This is a benchmark video comparing 2nd - 6th gen i5's to FX 8350 (The creator mistyped 3570k as 3770k in title)
You'll also be needing a new motherboard in that case as AMD and Intel haven't been socket compatible since the K6 days. Generally, games have gradually become optimised to utilise more cores, but that isn't the case with every game out there. Personally, from a price to performance gain perspective, it isn't quite worth spending money on a 3rd generation Intel Core CPU and motherboard socket which is being phased out. Though, those are only my thoughts, so do keep that in mind.