Swapping out my card


Jan 20, 2016
I'm needing some help here. I just bought an acer with really good specs with everything EXCEPT the graphics card. I was wondering if anyone here would know a good gaming replacement graphics card for the Intel HD one that comes pre-installed. This is the PC I bought:


It seemed like a good deal, but that graphics card is just meh. I'm only asking advice here because I have no idea of what would be compatible with that PC, and I would like to do some good gaming on this thing when it gets here. Thank's!
I'm going to say around $100 or lower. If it's slightly higher, I'd go with that to. I'm honestly just concerned if I can even get anything really good for gaming with the 300w wattage I THINK this PC does.
If the PC can't handle the card, what should I do? I've never really built a pc o anything so I'm concerned with what I would need to do in order to get a decent card in my machine.

You should upgrade your power supply. Something like a 550w PSU will be more than enough for you.
http://www.scan.co.uk/products/550w-xfx-core-edition-p1-550s-xxb9-80-plus-bronze-1x135mm-fan-atx-psu Here's a good one.If you want something cheaper this will do aswell. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438012

Yeah that PSU and the Graphics card will fit in the case.