Question Sweat dropped on motherboard

Oct 28, 2022
hi, I was working on my PC yesterday when suddenly I felt a drop of sweat dropped on my motherboard, I immediately dried it out with tissues, and Turned the fan on directly at it for 1 hr and then used a blower (warm/hot air) after for a couple minutes and turned it on straight after. Is it good? my PC has been running for 16 hrs rn including overnight after the Incident, I usually get anxious about my PC tho, should I double check?
It's OK as long as your sweat doesn't contain alcohol, caffeine or other drugs.
what do you mean? I drank coffee before working on it though 🤔 but its still on rn (16 hrs after the incident) and no anomaly encountered after the incident, should I be worried? Im getting anxious right now :sweatsmile: but I I immediately dried it out with tissues, and Turned the fan on directly at it for 1 hr and then used a blower (warm/hot air) after for a couple minutes and turned it on straight after, should I turn it off right now and double check?
I won't worry about. I've been working on PCs for years and dropped tons of sweat on Motherboards, Video Cards, Memory Chips, Hard Drives, etc. As long as you dry it off, it won't effect smuck.
I won't worry about. I've been working on PCs for years and dropped tons of sweat on Motherboards, Video Cards, Memory Chips, Hard Drives, etc. As long as you dry it off, it won't effect smuck.
so this step that I did "I immediately dried it out with tissues, and Turned the fan on directly at it for 1 hr and then used a blower (warm/hot air) after for a couple minutes and turned it on straight after" is a good to go? or should I double check?