casualmohsin :
I was building my first custom built PC today and when I had finished laying out cardboard (cause apparently it is a good anti-static material, correct me if i'm wrong) I had taken the motherboard and I didn't notice my hands were so sweaty so now there is sweat on the CPU side of my mobo and the underside of it on my mobo. I tend to get sweaty ALOT when I am nervous. What should I do? I'm thinking I should wait and let it dry or something like that.
The body oils and salts are ionic contaminant and are something we worried a lot about during CCA processing; all operators had to wear finger cots and gloves to prevent contamination from this. Salts are especially bad as they absorb moisture from the air and this helps lead to subsequent damage in high humidity areas, which i suspect is typical of where you live since you brought this up. Of course, we also worried about subsequent processing where it made for sub-optimal results with soldering or adhesive and coating applications.
That said: casual touching with dry hands shouldn't be a problem especially since you're not likely to be worrying about soldering or adhesive applications. But to be safe, and if you made assembly during a hot humid spell with sweaty hands, you might carefully wipe up the areas you touched with clean isopropyl alcohol moistened lint-free cloth or towelette even if just to feel a bit better.
In the future handle boards by the edges only.