Swiftech 220X Extension? Open Loop?


So I am thinking of picking up a 220X but I'm wondering if it's more beneficial to grab that and then pick up an extra 240mm Rad or just build a full custom loop.


i7 5930K
Asus Posiden Platinum - 2way SLI.
Asus X99 Deluxe.
Corsair 900D

Im only cooling the cpu and cards

I'm just wondering what the best liquid cooling soloution would be for me.
After just finishing off my wc loop with a H220 i would say go with full custom loop if you can afford it.
It might be easier with the H220X but the way i set my loop up im 99% sure i've still got air in the 2nd rad with no real way of completely bleeding it with out introducing new air into the pump and same rad.
Filling the system was also a pain in the butt and at the end if it i was more annoyed then happy that i had my whole system watercooled.
When it comes time to draining the system ill definitely be buying a new pump/res + block just to have an easier setup.