Switch to google VOIP?

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Kahlo kahlow

Jun 4, 2015
Hi, I have a phone service from my ISP and thought if I could switch to google voip since it's free. Currently, with my ISP's service I cannot call somewhere else other than in Canada unless I pay the extra. I saw this thing called obitalk and thought I could use it to.

The Obi200 itself doesn't give you free phone service. It's a device that lets you use a regular telephone with many different VoIP providers. Google voice is one of those providers that happens to be free.

So like I said, I have had no problem with my Obi or Google Voice, but I haven't used them together.

That being said, I don't think you can go wrong with getting it.
I have an Obi device (not the talk, but the Obi1022) and I have been happy with it. I also have use google voice and have been happy with it. I haven't setup up my Obi to use google voice though, but I don't see any reason why you would want to in your circumstance. For me I already had a personal google voice account setup on my cell when I started working from home and I wanted separate work and personal phones, so I got the Obi as my 'office phone.'

The thing I was refering to was the obi200. I wanted to get free phone access.
The Obi200 itself doesn't give you free phone service. It's a device that lets you use a regular telephone with many different VoIP providers. Google voice is one of those providers that happens to be free.

So like I said, I have had no problem with my Obi or Google Voice, but I haven't used them together.

That being said, I don't think you can go wrong with getting it.
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