Switched from 900p monitor to 1080p TV. Getting MASSIVE Lag


Oct 2, 2013
My CPU specs:

Nvidia GTX 760

I've been trying to game on my 32in LG TV. But whenever I start a game it starts moving at like 3-4 FPS. It is absolutely unplayable. My rig isn't so bad I think that it could not handle games on high at 1080p. I've read some things about that there might be a setting on my TV causing this, but I can't figure out what it is.
If you still have your monitor laying around I would plug it in as a second monitor so you can run task manager, cpuz, and gpuz (or any other monitoring software) so you can verify that your CPU and GPU are operating at the correct clock rates and load levels. I have not heard of an instance where the TV would cause low fps but I know some TVs have a gaming mode which will help to cut down on input lag from your mouse. Try throwing the TV on gaming mode if it has it in the menu and see if it changes anything.
Are you using a 1080p capable HDMI cable? Is it from the same port on the computer? (its not trying to use the integrated graphics right?) Could also be a software thing on your end if it is trying to run both screens at once, etc. Make sure your nvidia software is recognizing that its a TV.

TVs do suck though. Aren't designed for the same things as monitors.
If you still have your monitor laying around I would plug it in as a second monitor so you can run task manager, cpuz, and gpuz (or any other monitoring software) so you can verify that your CPU and GPU are operating at the correct clock rates and load levels. I have not heard of an instance where the TV would cause low fps but I know some TVs have a gaming mode which will help to cut down on input lag from your mouse. Try throwing the TV on gaming mode if it has it in the menu and see if it changes anything.