Switching from SLI GTX 780's to GTX 970's, Won't show screen...What do I do??


May 24, 2013
As stated my rig right now consists of two MSI GTX 780's in SLI but I want to put in two MSI GTX 970's to give a slight upgrade to my graphics power and being able to use all NVIDIA's new features. So I built my PC from the motherboard up (MSI Z77A-GD55), picked the CPU (i7-3770k), the RAM (16GB of G.Skill RJX 1600), the HDD's and SSD's (one running the OS, one set aside for just games and four HDD's for a RAID setup to keep my data a little more safe.) I digress.

So, upon taking out the two 780's and putting in just one 970 the rig would not show anything on the screen. I don't know what I did wrong. So I put the 780's back in and changed the NVIDIA options from SLI to 'not SLI' and then shut down, put in a 970 and still no screen. I just don't know what I am doing wrong that the 970 won't pull up a screen. And being that I have two of them I tried out both of them to make sure it wasn't just one being bad for one reason or another. So what do I have to change to get these GPU's to work in my system? Do I have to create a system image on a DVD and then reinstall Windows 10 Pro and then install a GPU and change the settings in the motherboard BIOS? Is there anything else that is making this rig not accept the 970's?

I have built in total 4 separate rigs by this point, starting only a few years ago with an i3-2120, GTX 650ti BOOST and 8GB of RAM on a Gigabyte mATX motherboard. I upgraded whenever prices dropped on a certain piece and ended up with an i7, not one but two GPU's and not only a single SSD for the OS and a single HDD for my files but 6 overall hard drives plus a BluRay burner (that I practically never use btw). Is it a driver issue and if so how do I clear out the old 780 stuff so the 970 can be used? I really don't want to start from scratch but I do have a Microsoft account including my email address (outlook) so if I do need to start from the Install Windows screen I can get most of my setting back but if I can avoid it I'd love to.

If anyone knows what I am doing wrong please help. If anyone knows what I can do to swap these GPU's I need your help! I have learned a lot through the process of building a few PC's but an expert I am not. If anyone can help please let me know and thank you for reading this and trying to think of what is going wrong with my rig. Thanks.
I had a similar issue where I had to reinstall my drivers after going from a 750ti to a 970 on win 10. Put the 970 in and use the igpu instead and check to see if the card shows in device manager.
I had a similar issue where I had to reinstall my drivers after going from a 750ti to a 970 on win 10. Put the 970 in and use the igpu instead and check to see if the card shows in device manager.