Switching to Intel what do I need?


Apr 21, 2016
Hello everyone! So at the moment I have this PC; http://m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=N82E16883227436
I am switching to Intel and would like to start out with this i5: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/xwhj4D/intel-cpu-bx80662i56500
Is there anything from the PC I currently have that I can save for the new PC? Thank you and please put the parts in a pcpartpicker list! For the time being ill use my 7770 till I get a better graphics card to use in the new build. Thanks in advance!

I can't see your old pc the link doesn't work for me it just takes me to the newegg homepage. You'll need a h1xx motherboard some ddr4 ram and that is it (don't know the build you have now so I can't be certain about anything).

Updated link.

More than likely the only things you'll be able to carry over will be the HDD and SSD. Skylake processors use DDR4 RAM, so you'll need at least 8GB of that, as well as a new Motherboard. I would suggest getting a new power supply as well since prebuilt units tend to use very poor quality ones.

So about how many new products will I need and how much will they cost?