SWtOR and New Rig


Feb 12, 2011
Thought about asking this over in the hardware section, but as the question's pertain mostly to a game I figured this would do.

My main PC died recently, and I am thus beginning the frustrating task of building a new one. I am having trouble deciding on what exactly I want to put in the rig, so I could use some help.

When SWtOR hits the shelves it will likely be the only game I play on PC for a while, assuming that Bioware does not let me down. So it would be the top game I would like to build for. Skyrim will likely be another game for the PC, but if I have to I can run it on my 360.

1. I would like to play SWtOR at 1920x1080, as that is my monitors native resolution.

2. I will be running Vista 64 bit, on a pair of SATA2 500gb drives.

3. I could use suggestions for CPU, Mobo, and Vid Card.

4. I'm on a budget, so conservative suggestions would be great, but I've been around computers long enough to know that you can't always have your cake and eat it too, normally the cake is a lie.

5. I prefer AMD Graphics and a Mobo that would be crossfire ready as that should give me a bit more longevity.

6. I greatly appreciate any feedback you guys can give.

Thanks to anyone who responds, I've been out of touch with the computer world for a few years.


Feb 11, 2011
Whats your budget? The game barely looks demanding from what I can see. For an AMD, I personally recommend a Phenom X4 or better. For a mobo, get a strong asus one. Tons of good ones on Newegg. It really doesnt matter. For a video card, just head on to the Graphics department on the forums, and take your pick.


Such a shame that Bioware has to backstab with making an mmo on Star Wars. I want KOTOR 3 -_-


Feb 12, 2011

Well budget is kinda fluid... I need to build soon as I will be sans computer in a few weeks (am using a rig I frankensteined together for my mom). But I can wait an extra month if I have to for a bit of extra buying power. Really the biggest problem is I haven't spent any time building in about 4 years, and all the naming conventions seem to have changed. Glad to hear Asus is still reliable, they have a 790FX mobo I was looking at that seems a touch nicer than the 890FX offerings I have seen. That and a Phenom 2 965 should be enough I guess based on what you said. I'll go try the GFX board for some specifics there.

As to KOTOR 3 I had given up hope, but at least their will be a lot of story in SWtOR, so hopefully it will feed my fix. I hope it can hold my attention for a while... I feel like all the games I play now are meant to be disposable.