I am using a syncing software called Syncbackfree. Whenever I open the program, it fails to respond (crashes). In the taskbar, there are about 41 instances of the program open. There should only be one instance. How do I solve this problem?
Could be that the initial time you tried to open it that something messed up, so that stuck instance is crashing it.
Reboot computer and see if it will open.
If not do as scout said and uninstall it, I would go ahead an re-download it from vendor in case of file corruption, then reinstall.
Syncback is a pretty good file backup tool, I have used both the free and SE versions on many builds.
Could be that the initial time you tried to open it that something messed up, so that stuck instance is crashing it.
Reboot computer and see if it will open.
If not do as scout said and uninstall it, I would go ahead an re-download it from vendor in case of file corruption, then reinstall.
Syncback is a pretty good file backup tool, I have used both the free and SE versions on many builds.